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Repair gaps for houses Gaps around house


Fix gaps around subsided house by polyurethane injection

Main causes of gaps around the house

Gaps can result from poor compaction of the soil or from insufficient settling time for the filled soil. These gaps appear and become more severe when the ground sinks below the beam. In Thailand, many of these cases occur especially in the rainy season or when the area is flooded.


       Problems from the presence of gaps

  1. Venomous or disease-transmitting animals may inhabit the area. Pets may also choose to hide under the house.
  2. Waste may accumulate under the building
  3. Rain, subsurface water, and wastewater may collect in the area and develop infestation

      Initial solution for fixing the gap

The problem can be temporarily fixed by placing bricks or plants around the gaps. However, the ground may still continue to sink.

Fixing gaps by polyurethane injection

Tesla Engineering provides an effective solution for fixing gaps around your house by using the polyurethane injection technology. This technology works very well due to the ability of the material to expand as much as 10-20 times which can fill the gap completely, giving you a peace of mind for any problems that might occur from the presence of gaps.


Steps for filling the gaps using polyurethane

  1.   Install an unobtrusive 12-mm diameter aluminium pipe into the ground spaced 1.0-1.5 meters apart depending on the size of the gap
  2.    Inject polyurethane into the pipe. The material will expand and rapidly fill the gap completely.
  3.    After the gaps are completely filled, the excess material will be removed and the area cleaned up with no hassle for home owners.

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By |2020-07-15T13:06:46+07:00กรกฎาคม 15th, 2020|Gaps around house|0 Comments

Fix sunken road prevent ponding


The trouble with ponding on roads can be seen often during rainy season. Many times it is a result of heavy trucks causing the road to sink.

The solution to sunken roads and ponding is PU injection which can lift-relevel the road and drain the water.

Steps to fix ponding

สำรวจ แก้พื้นน้ำขัง

1. Staff conduct an initial investigation of the site

เจาะ แก้น้ำขัง

2. Drill a 16-mm hole through the concrete surface

ฉีด PU ซ่อมพื้นเป็นแอ่ง แก้น้ำขัง

3. Inject PU to fill the voids and lift the surface


4. Plug the drill hole with quick drying cement to prevent water seepage

Photos before and after the repair





By |2020-07-15T13:07:30+07:00กรกฎาคม 15th, 2020|Repair sunken road surface|0 Comments

Lift-relevel factory floor, Rayong province

แก้พื้นทรุด โรงงานอมตะซิตี้

Large shelves in the warehouse produces a heavy load on the ground causing it to sink. Tesla Engineering uses the polyurethane injection technology to fix this problem by injecting the chemical material into the soil, causing it to compact and lift up until relevelled without any demolition or relocation of the shelves.

Steps to lift-relevel the concrete floor

แก้พื้นทรุด โรงงานระยอง

Before repair


After repair

แก้พื้นโรงงาน โกดังทรุด

Before repair

แก้พื้นโรงงาน โกดังทรุด

After repair

By |2020-07-15T13:09:51+07:00กรกฎาคม 15th, 2020|Repair sunken factory floor|0 Comments

Fix sunken factory road surface in Rayong

Due heavy trucks constantly transporting through the area, the road surface sunk in 5 locations. Tesla Engineering used the polyurethane injection technology to fill the voids under the concrete and lift the surface to its original level. The process is fast and does not require demolition.

Steps to lift and relevel the sunken road surface


By |2020-07-15T13:21:43+07:00กรกฎาคม 15th, 2020|Repair sunken road surface|0 Comments

Strengthen ground under machinery, Nakhon Ratchasima province


Vibration of the machinery was caused by voids and loose soil under the concrete which can lead to ground subsidence. Tesla Engineering provided an effective solution using the polyurethane injection technology to strengthen the soil without moving the machinery. This solution is fast, economic, and guaranteed.

Steps to improve soil under foundation

Photos of the repair operation


By |2020-07-15T13:22:41+07:00กรกฎาคม 15th, 2020|Soil improvement|0 Comments

Lift-relevel base of tilted chemical storage tank, Rayong province


A chemical storage tank tilted from bearing a heavy load and weak foundation soil. Tesla Engineering provided an effective solution for this problem by using the polyurethane injection technology to fill voids and lift the tank base until relevelled. The process is fast and economic.

Photos of the repair process

ยก ปรับระดับแทงค์เอียง
ยก ปรับระดับแทงค์เอียง
ยก ปรับระดับแทงค์เอียง
ยก ปรับระดับแทงค์เอียง

By |2020-07-15T13:23:28+07:00กรกฎาคม 15th, 2020|Repair sunken factory floor|0 Comments

Fix sunken warehouse floor, Rayong province


A warehouse in Rayong subsided due to poor compaction of soil before construction as well as due to the heavy load from merchandise storage. Tesla Engineering provided an effective solution by using the polyurethane injection technology to lift and relevel the sunken floor without demolition or disruption of the warehouse operation.


By |2020-07-15T13:27:46+07:00กรกฎาคม 14th, 2020|Repair sunken factory floor|0 Comments
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